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Les Royaumes oubliés, les Marches d'Argent - Le fort du Héraut
Instances dirigeantes de la communauté : Magique
Alignement des instances dirigeantes : Neutre
Limite financière : spécial
Ressources : spécial
Population : 5
Mélange des races : intégrée (demi-orque 20%, elfe 20%, gnome 20%, humain 20%, nain 20%)
Autorités : Vieille Nuit (Shalara Hautépée, CB, humaine, Bardesse 6 / Rôdeuse4)
Personnalités : Dargin Tisseroc (nain d'écu Magicien 7 / Gardien du savoir 2), Llyllanndra Havrétoile (femme elfe du soleil Magicienne 7 / Gardienne du savoir 3); Naithee Uvarkk (femme gnome des roches, Magicienne 7 / Gardienne du savoir 1); Hakan (homme demi-orque, Barbare 3 / Ensorceleur 3)
Symbole : Le fort du Héraut utilise comme signe de reconnaissance l'emblème d'un livre ouvert en argent, sur fond gris sombre

Peu d'habitants des Marches d'Argent peuvent se targuer d'avoir visité la lointaine et mystérieuse résidence connue sous le nom de Fort du héraut. Ceux qui connaissent son existence la qualifient de réserve de savoir, ou d'entrepôt de beaucoup de choses qui ont été oubliées partout ailleurs.
Situé à une journée de voyage difficile au nord et à l'ouest de Lunargent (ou au sud et à l'ouest de Quaevarr), le Fort du Héraut se trouve dans un vallon isolé, dissimulé par les premiers bosquets sud du Boilune. Une petite tour de pierre (qui ressemble plus à un manoir fortifié qu'à une véritable forteresse) s'est imposé dans le vallon telle une idole des bois incongrue. Les trois quarts de la tour sont enclavés contre la pente d'une colline escarpée qui entoure le vallon. Une unique porte est encastrée dans le mur de la tour, et c'est une entrée en pierre recouverte de mousse, lissée par le temps et l'usage. La tour est si bien dissimulée dans sa couronne de végétation que même ceux qui savent ce qu'ils cherchent doivent réussir un test de Détection (DD 20) pour l'identifier, et un test de Fouille (DD 20) pour en localiser son unique entrée. La porte de la tour reste déverrouillée en permanence, et elle s'ouvre sans difficulté au toucher.

Brief History Where did this place come from? Who built it, and why? And how has it remaineduntouched by the orc hordes and other creatures of the region? The tower'scaretaker, a knowledgeable woman named Shalara Swordshigh who insists onreferring to herself as Old Night, receives these questions with patience and anenigmatic smile. Her replies are cryptic at best, however, and not terribly useful. OldNight and her companions have lived in the Holdfast for untold decades, possiblycenturies: No one can be certain exactly how long they have been here. The elves ofthe High Forest believe that Old Night is a member of an obscure and tiny secretorganization known as the Heralds (hence the name of the tower), and that the group dedicates itself to collecting andpreserving Faerûn's past. They count among their enemies any who would destroy or revise history, and number among itsallies the Harpers, who give them aid from time to time. Others claim that there is a portal that leads to Silverymoon locatedsomewhere hard by the Holdfast that only Old Night and her associates know about. (Old Night won't answer questionsabout these topics, either.)

Important Sites in the Herald's Holdfast The following locations are among those that adventurers will most likely see and visit.

The Chambers Beyond the main door is the Chamber of Humanity, which is a single room dedicatedto human history. Human arms and armor from various eras, along with numerousother human artifacts, hang from the walls; above them tapestries and the carvedrafter beams depict important scenes from Faerûnian human history, as well assome human heroes and heroines. A doorway leads from the Chamber of Humanityto a corridor delved straight into the hillside. Therein are more chambers similar tothat of the Chamber of Humanity, and each is dedicated to a single race, includingdwarf, elf, giant, gnoll, gnome, goblin, orc, and halfling. According to rumor, secretdoors exist elsewhere in the tower that lead to many other chambers. Each racialchamber is decorated with items created by or for the race it represents. Some of theitems are priceless due to their extreme age or historical significance, while othersare valuable for the precious metals or gems they bear.

The Library At the very end of the corridor, beyond all the chambers, sits the structure's largestroom: the library. Said to be a storehouse of knowledge equal to or even greater thanthe Vault of Sages in Silverymoon, the library contains a bewildering number ofbooks, tomes, scrolls, stone tablets, all shelved or piled high on numerous tables.Almost all these sources of information pertain to the history or genealogy of theraces to which the chambers are dedicated. Old Night permits all visitors who conduct themselves politely and without aggressionto examine the contents of the library, but visitors are not permitted to remove any ofthe books from the Holdfast. (They are welcome to make a copy of whateverinformation they find, however.) Old Night does not make a habit of aiding visitorswith their quests for information, other than to point them to either the appropriatechamber or the library.

Out of Character Locating a particular piece ofinformation or a specific volume oflore in Old Night's library is easiersaid than done. Each character thatseeks something in the library maymake a Search check. Calculate theDC for the check as follows: Character has ranks in a Knowledgeappropriate to the topic of his or herinquiry (arcana, history, local, and soon): DC 20 -1 for every Knowledge rankabove 5 (to a maximum of +10). Time required: 5d20 hours -1 hour forevery Knowledge rank above 5 (to amaximum of -5). Character has no ranks in anappropriate Knowledge : DC 30 Time required: 10d20 hours A character who possesses theBardic Knowledge class feature gainsa +2 synergy bonus on his or herSearch Check.

univers_ma/fort_du_heraut.1736421108.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2025/01/09 03:11 de natakusq